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Accelerate biomedical innovations. Together.

Too many promising medical innovations never reach the patient due to the ever more stringent and difficult landscape of Medical Devices and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products legislation and technical validation.

Medace is committed to bring your innovative (bio)medical concepts to the market and patients faster.

What’s in it for you?

Quality Management System proven through Certification

Flexible renting of cleanrooms and research labs

Validated equipment

Technical, GMP and ISO expertise

Dedicated training program by in-house professionals

What do we offer?

We offer a work-learning environment that allows you to develop your technical product dossier needed for clinical validation. At the same time we guide you in how to produce your product according to the ISO and GMP standards. And offer you the GMP and ISO cleanrooms to produce your own product.

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Brochure - GMP
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Brochure - MD
cleanroom work, cleanroom clothing

With a broad range of training, expertise and support we provide everything you need to know about regulatory, quality assurance, technical development and so much more. We guide you through the set up and development of technical files. Quality is guaranteed as everything is covered under our overarching ISO certificate.

From flexible office spaces to R&D labs and specialized cleanrooms with validated equipment, a full Quality Management system and trained personnel, at Medace you find everything to develop and manufacture your clinical grade product.

Success StoriesAliform successfully completes cleanroom manufacturing of their innovative surgical device at Medace
14 August 2024

Aliform successfully completes cleanroom manufacturing of their innovative surgical device at Medace

Aliform is a US-Dutch MedTech startup that develops novel surgical instruments for plastic reconstructive surgery, with a focus on treating various skin conditions. Aliform aims to revolutionize the field of…
Success StoriesSwiftPharma produces plant-based proteins for critical medical applications at Medace
24 July 2024

SwiftPharma produces plant-based proteins for critical medical applications at Medace

SwiftPharma is a Belgium-based biotech startup that develops plant-based solutions for protein production for critical medical applications. SwiftPharma is led by Jeroen Hofenk, the Chief Science Officer with expertise in…
biomedical bondingSuccess StoriesBiomedical Bonding performs Cleanroom manufacturing of Bonevolent™ AdhFix
17 July 2023

Biomedical Bonding performs Cleanroom manufacturing of Bonevolent™ AdhFix

Biomedical Bonding AB is a Swedish MedTech company that develops cutting-edge adhesives, composites, and novel surgical methodologies with focus on the ever-growing market of hard tissue repair. Biomedical Bonding wants…

Let’s meet!

Interested to join our community? Got some questions you want answered? Thinking of renting your own space at Medace?

Plan your meeting with CBO Kurt Gielen now.

Get in touch
Kurt Gielen

News and resources

Kurt GielenEventsNewsAccelerating biomedical innovations — together: Medace at Investival Showcase
8 January 2025

Accelerating biomedical innovations — together: Medace at Investival Showcase

At Investival Showcase 2024, Medace’s Chief Business Officer Kurt Gielen presented how Medace enables startups and researchers to overcome critical barriers in developing biomedical innovations. With a flexible, collaborative model,…
NewsSwiftPharma and Medace sign strategic collaboration agreement for biomanufacturing and purification of promising medicinal proteins.
27 September 2023

SwiftPharma and Medace sign strategic collaboration agreement for biomanufacturing and purification of promising medicinal proteins.

MAASTRICHT, The Netherlands — September 27, 2023 - SwiftPharma, a Belgium-based manufacturer, and Medace, a Dutch (bio-)medical development & manufacturing hub, have signed a strategic collaboration Agreement to enable the…
KnowledgeNewsSetting up a Quality Management System
21 September 2023

Setting up a Quality Management System

Introduction Setting up a Quality Management System (QMS) that complies with industry standards, guidelines and regulations can be a challenging task for medical startups and emerging innovators. Medace has streamlined…
See all news and resources

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Brochure - MD

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