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Equipment for research, quality control and manufacturing

Successful innovation in research and manufacturing requires access to both standard and high-end equipment to measure, visualize, analyze, and interpret data accurately. At Medace, we offer a wide range of advanced equipment, both for research, quality control and manufacturing, assuring you have the tools you need to achieve precise and reliable results. Our team ensures that critical equipment is maintained and serviced according to our ISO-13485 certification.

State-of-the-art equipment

Our certified lab facility, maintained under our overarching ISO-13485 certification, houses a wide array of advanced equipment, including but not limited to:

  • Scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-6010LV Plus)
  • Instron Electropuls E3000 Biaxial
  • AMTI VIVO Joint Simulator
  • Flow cytometer (BD FACSCanto II)
  • NucleoCounter NC-202
  • And more

Flexible equipment rental

Recognizing that purchasing expensive equipment may not be feasible during the early stages of product development, we offer flexible rental options for all of our specialized equipment. Whether you need access to our entire facility or just specific instruments, Medace is here to meet your needs.

Support services

In addition to providing access to cutting-edge equipment, Medace offers a full range of support services to ensure your research and manufacturing processes are seamless and successful. Our support services include:

  • Skilled technicians: our team of experienced R&D technicians is available to assist with the operation of equipment, helping you maximize its capabilities and ensuring accurate results.
  • Protocol and procedure development: we provide expertise in developing customized protocols and procedures tailored to your specific research needs, ensuring your work adheres to industry standards.
  • Quality control applications: our specialized services also include quality control applications, supporting the highest level of precision and reliability in your research and production processes.

Whether you are embarking on a new research project or scaling up production, Medace is committed to providing the tools, flexibility, and support you need to succeed.

Stand-alone laboratory equipment rental

How does it work when you decide to rent our specialized equipment in our certified lab facility?

Flexible use

Timeslots can be reserved through an online booking system, so you decide when you use our equipment.

Expert support & training

Our team will help you set-up your experiments and train you to use the equipment safely and effective. They are always close if you need tips or additional support.

Maintained & serviced

Our team ensures that critical equipment is maintained and serviced according to our ISO-13485 certification.

Want to explore all of our equipment rental options?

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Our products

Scanning electron microscope: JEOL JSM-6010LV Plus
Flow cytometer: BD FACSCanto II
Mechanical properties testing: Instron Electropuls E3000 Biaxial
NucleoCounter® NC-202™
AMTI VIVO Joint Simulator

Other products

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