Press release – Medical face masks from Dutch soil successful through strict testing
Medace, together with one of its clients, makes an important contribution to the safety of healthcare personnel in the Netherlands. A CE-certified medical face mask has been developed in record time and is fully compliant with the technical standard EN 14683:2019 and ready for large-scale production. The strict approval procedure was completed quickly and successfully by the face mask manufacturer, led by Medace’s quality specialists.
Multiple quality tests
Quality manager Leah Evers of Medace (in picture) received the first box of CE-certified type IIR masks from entrepreneur Cyrille Depondt. Medace collaborated with the Belgian institute Centexbel in this process to carry out all the necessary quality checks on the face masks. Medace’s learning-work environment was a logical choice for the mask manufacturer because of Medace’s reputation for quality: Within a few months after the doors of the (bio)medical centre opened at the beginning of this year, all processes and protocols of Medace were certified under the ISO standard for medical devices.
Learning development at Medace
Medace is a service provider that helps to bring medical innovations to the patient faster and more efficiently. The Medace model works according to a fully certified learning-working environment in which quality and operational professionals take starting companies by the hand when further developing their medical innovation.
Medace has a (bio)medical facility of more than 2000 m2 at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus and is an important player in Limburg’s Life Sciences ecosystem. The company was established with the support of the holding company of Maastricht University, LIOF, the Maastricht UMC+, the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus and Brightlands Chemelot Campus, and the Province of Limburg.